
Free Initial Consultation
One-on-One Service
Experienced Attorneys

Government Relations and Lobbying Service

Every day cities, counties, states, and the federal government debate on and enact new legislation and regulation. When a law that would affect your livelihood is being considered, you are not powerless! Adler & Villanueva LLC can act on your behalf for or against legislations.
Make your voice heard in local and state government, the way the system was designed for. We walk you through the implications and advise you on your options. Call Adler & Villanueva LLC for a FREE initial consultation.

Some of our Government Services:

  • Research, analysis, and reporting on legislation progress
  • Connecting you to coalitions interested in the same issues
  • Representing you to government officials

We Support You and Your Business Goals

Not only do we reach out to government officials on your behalf, Adler and Villanueva work with you and your employees to help you understand what new laws and regulations will mean for how you do business. Make sure you're prepared and in compliance with all regulations before they come into effect with our legal guidance.